Monday 11 August 2014

The Beginning

So, I had grand plans for this blog. The idea of it has been moving around in my head for a while now. A blog about films. But no, that's not enough. I have a lot more to say about a lot more, not because I feel that it needs to be read (which I do), but also because when there's too much in my head, it leads to sleepless nights, something I'm not very good at dealing with compared to most people.

Last night, I lay awake in bed for hours, a repeat of the two before that. My brain was in overdrive. If life were a film (something I pray for every single day), I probably would've gotten out of bed and punched out, in a couple of thousand words, everything that was keeping me up, from the woes of the Indian cricket team, to everything in life that provokes my mind into tormenting me in new and awesome ways every day and night.

However, I was forced to abandon this Jerry Maguiresque idea and save it for the morning after - a constant, painful reminder that life is not a film, and definitely not Jerry Maguire. To quote the master, Alfred Hitchcock, "drama is life with the dull bits cut out", and therefore the least we can do to fill up the dull bits is digest food for a million thoughts that lead to the interesting ones.

I'm sure that at this point, the three or four people that are reading this (those who are close enough to me that I can actually demand that they read what I write, and therefore have no choice) are wondering when the hell I will get to the point, or whether I even have one. The answer to that is, I honestly don't know.

On second thought, I do know, and it can be explained very easily in Jerry Maguire lingo - the things we think and do not say (once again reaffirming my belief that all problems in life can be solved, not with potatoes, but by looking at them as struggles of beloved characters in good films).

Anyway, getting past my ADD and moving on. I have been witness to herds of elephants in all sorts of rooms, and I have to say, that my patience for not talking about them wears thinner everyday. I look for a vent and I look for a vent, but there isn't one nearly as big as I need. So until I find a better one, this will have to do.

On the other hand, being fully aware of the disastrous consequences of using a public forum as a vent (especially in, ahem, these dark times), I realise that I will have to strike a balance. Along with the occasional post about the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, there will also be in-depth analyses of films and television shows, busting popular perceptions that often (read: always) result from human weaknesses that make some of us succumb to lame things like peer pressure and Groupthink.

Apart from this, there will also be posts about the third passion of my life - cricket. Yes, cricket. This will be my humble attempt, which is almost certainly doomed to fail, to beat the wannabe out of you elitist snobs that go bananas over a league being played seven thousand kilometres away, of a sport that no one in your country outside your little cliques gives a rat's fart about, but are almost allergic to what is the de facto national sport of your country, the second most popular in the world by the way, and possibly the most complex sport on the planet.

All sarcasm aside, I really hope this preamble is good enough to get people to read this blog, as a few of my life goals are attached to it, even though I haven't exactly figured out what those are. Your comments and feedback would be appreciated, but not if you have something mind-numbingly stupid or extremely lame to say. If what I have to say has any resonance with you, kindly share my posts with others, because I'm told that popularity counts for a lot in this world, even though I'm not really counting on it.

Yep, that's about it.


  1. Looking forward to reading your future (hopefully, less tangential ;) - though I'm not one to talk) posts!

  2. Pretty good. keet it up . (i
    hope this is not mind numbingly stupid)
